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Welcome to the Blanchard Leaderchat podcast

Hosted by Chad Gordon


With a focus on leadership, personal growth, developing others and management this podcast is devoted to helping you be your very best by keeping up with current trends in self-development, leadership, and business. The Blanchard LeaderChat Podcast provides the perfect way for you to stay up-to-date on the latest ideas, insights, and innovations that impact you and your growth. Each episode features an expert sharing their ideas about helping people become the best leaders they can be. So, subscribe today, listen at your convenience, and keep checking back for new episodes. You’ll be inspired by what you hear.

May 22, 2020

In this episode, Mark Johnson describes a method for putting visionary thinking and processes into place so that any organization can take advantage of disruptive innovation. As business models change at an ever-increasing rate and the world becomes noisier, the tendency for most organizations is to hunker down and deal...

May 4, 2020

In this episode you’ll hear Joel Peterson, chairman of JetBlue Airways, discuss the difference between an entrepreneur and an entrepreneurial leader. In his latest book, Entrepreneurial Leadership: The Art of Launching New Ventures, Inspiring Others, and Running Stuff, Peterson explains that leaders who want to make a...